High 9 Isle - The History House Big Brother

The big brother style antics of a group of 2nd Year History students studying and playing at the Uni of Southampton

Saturday 3 February 2007

And an edit...

We've decided to requisition another ship, a bigger ship (more of a cruise liner, really) for our particular brand of historical piracy. More from the high seas when we've laid anchor.

Monday 29 January 2007

Setting sail

Oooh, argh, me hearties.... We've found a new ship to continue sailing the high seas of History, and for plundering the great backlog of sources for the pieces of eight needed for a dissertation.

High 9 Isle is being requisitioned by the colonial authorities, but with First Boy Jupp now a recruit, Cap'n Cecil, First Mate Matthew, Helmsman "Davy" Jones and Bo'sun Hannah have been looking through the shipyard for a new vessel.

Whilst not completed yet, the berths we've set our sights on occupy the upper two levels of a fine ship; double bunks, a fine galley, and washing, drying and bathing facilities to keep us as clean, presentable pirates.

Once again we'll be sailing the Solent blue.... or rather, murky green.

Friday 1 December 2006

"Christmas time is here, by golly, disapproval would be folly...

...Deck the halls with hunks of holly,
Fill the cup and don't say when."

I quote, in my Scrooge like tones, from Tom Lehrer's "A Christmas Carol", but regardless of my humbugging, the girls are decorating the communal living space, or, mildly magnolia drawing room for Christmas.

Here is a pictorial record of the event. Video to follow.

Woohoo. A fake plastic tree. I feel some Radiohead coming on...

Monday 20 November 2006

Hello world!

Good Morning, Good Evening and Good Night my fellow history house mates. This is the first entry into the blog of high nine isle from the only female in the house.

Firstly I feel I should apologise for the current, and in fact developing state of my bedroom! It is widely regarded as one of the most continually dirty rooms in the micro nation. Although possibly contested by the mighty Cecil's pile of laundry, I would definitely say mine is not very clean. I think the best way to describe it is creative mess! Well fellow high niners do not be afraid, the room will soon be getting a full clean. With hover, and some serious movement of ski kit so that it no longer hides everything.

Secondly I have an invitation I would like to extend to all members of the mighty nation :D This weekend see's me hike to Brentwood once more, and I wondered if any one would like to come with me. Its a free trip, with free alcohol, and lots of fun people . I would love you to come with me, and to watch me slalom race. It is an exciting competitive racing season, with the ladies team currently drawing for first place with Kent University. The only requirement is that occasionally you cheer for Southampton.

The final idea I have is that I wondered when we would like to hold christmacca (please ignore spelling). Debra mentioned she was holding a celebration on the 15th December ( the last day of term), however I unfortunately wont be able to make it as I leave to go skiing that day. I would love to cook a meal with everyone in celebration, anyone want to suggest dates.

Friday 17 November 2006

Breakfast rituals

I sacrifice myself every morning on the altar of toast. My collection of condiments, aye, condiments, grows every time I wander to the supermarket. Currently battling my way through lemon curd, and blueberry and pomegranate conserve, which, oddly enough, doesn't taste like pomegranates.

There will be lots of photo ops for me and the toast. We shall be reunited in at least 24 hours, so you might see pictorial evidence soon :)

Thursday 16 November 2006

A small person lives here....

This is where I live in the History House. It is a very small room. I am a very small person. So it does not bother me that much. Note the pretty curtains. I changed them from the horrible green and yellow floral numbers. The light and airy pink makes it look much brighter. Also note the latin books thrown hapazardly over the bed. I am torturing myself with not one but two languages this year, Hebrew and Latin. This room sees alot of hard work. I tend to socialise elsewhere ;-)

The first broadcast!

Here be the first video taken by Big Brother: contained herein are the Jupp and the Rowland, diplomatic envoys from "the outside", and all four inmates of the micronation, that is, us!

Enjoy yourselves,
